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14th Annual Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital Golf Tournament


(L-R) Sandy Rich, Justin Batoff, Keith Hinder, Michael Finney

Batoff Associates is a proud supporter of the Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital in Baltimore, MD. Since 1922, MWPH has been a leading children’s facility providing unsurpassed pediatric care for children with complex medical needs. As a local hospital delivering outstanding care for patients across Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic, MWPH provides rehabilitative and transitional care along with supportive resources for children and their families.

The firm recently fielded a team of four golfers in sponsoring the 14th Annual Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital Golf Tournament at the Bulle Rock Golf Course in Havre de Grace, Maryland. As an annual event, the tournament benefits patient programs such as Weight Smart, Feeding Day Program, Center for Nutritional Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Clinic, and Burn Treatment facilities.

Please click here to learn about the many wonderful ways this local hospital supports the community and for opportunities in which you can become a partner in the very important work that they do.


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